Ying-Sheng Luo

I use Computer Graphics for


Ying-Sheng Luo 羅應陞

I'm currently a research engineer from Inventec Corp., a world-leading computer and electronics manufacturer with more than 16 billion USD annual revenue. At Inventec AI Center, I focus on improving its manufacturing processes and pushing its technological advancements through deep learning algorithms.

  • Phone: +886-912-378590
  • Email: tray307969@gmail.com
  • City: Taipei, Taiwan
  • Language: English, Chinese (Native)

I received my M.Sc in Computer Science from the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (2018), advised by Professor Yu-Chi Lai. My work lies in the intersection between computer graphics and machine learning, with a focus on reinforcement learning for motion control of simulated characters and real-time rendering.

I'm also a computer graphics enthusiast and like to apply computer graphics knowledge I've learned in my other hobbies & side projects. There are examples from my piano cover videos where I seamlessly added 3D virtual objects with convincing lighting and reflections to make the video more interesting.

Resume [PDF]


Master of Computer Science

Sep 2016 - June 2018

National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan

  • Thesis: Intuitive and Easily-Installed Fenestration and Light Control Framework
  • Implemented precomputed radiance transfer method to estimate global illumination
  • Graduated with 4.18 out of 4.3 GPA

Bachelor of Computer Science

Sep 2013 - June 2016

National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan

  • Ranked 1 in undergrde class
  • Received presidential award
  • Graduated with 3.94 out of 4.0 GPA

Work Experience

Research Engineer

July 2018 - Present

Inventec Corp., Taiwan

  • Deployed the RL policies trained in simulation to the real-world Unitree A1 quadruped robot to perform many skills using Sim2Real techniques
  • Invent the transition motion tensor to enable controllable and versatile character movements in physics-enabled simulation
  • Design a controller for simulated characters using Deep-RL and GAN such that the character produces natural movements while obeying high-level user directives
  • Research and deploy state-of-the-art deep learning solutions for internal business units; 4 issued and pending patents
  • Build an iOS App and backend Restful API server with Kafka job queues to deploy the AI medical product. The medical iOS App passed the security certificate licensed by Gapertise

Graphics Engineer Intern

June 2015 - Sep 2015

International Games System Corp., Taiwan

  • Developed VFX effects using GLSL in a mobile car racing game
  • Implemented color grading, dynamic clouds, lightmaps, and HDR cubemap using GLSL and Cocos2d
  • Explored GPU performance analysis tool to improve rendering performance on mobile devices


Benchmarking Smoothness and Reducing High-Frequency Oscillations in Continuous Control Policies

IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2024)

Guilherme Christmann*, Ying-Sheng Luo*, Hanjaya Mandala*, Wei-Chao Chen

(*Joint first authors)

[Paper] [Supplementary Video]

Expert Composer Policy: Scalable Skill Repertoire for Quadruped Robots

IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2024)

Guilherme Christmann*, Ying-Sheng Luo*, Wei-Chao Chen

(*Joint first authors)

[Paper] [Supplementary Video]

Expanding Versatility of Agile Locomotion through Policy Transitions Using Latent State Representation

IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2023)

Guilherme Christmann*, Ying-Sheng Luo*, Jonathan Hans Soeseno*, Wei-Chao Chen

(*Joint first authors)

[Paper] [Supplementary Video]

Transition Motion Tensor: A Data-Driven Approach for Versatile and Controllable Agents in Physically Simulated Environments

SIGGRAPH Asia 2021 - Technical Communications

Jonathan Hans Soeseno*, Ying-Sheng Luo*, Trista Pei-Chun Chen, Wei-Chao Chen

(*Joint first authors)

[Paper] [Code] [Supplementary Video]

CARL: Controllable Agent with Reinforcement Learning for Quadruped Locomotion

ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2020)

Ying-Sheng Luo*, Jonathan Hans Soeseno*, Trista Pei-Chun Chen, Wei-Chao Chen

(*Joint first authors)

[Paper] [Code] [Supplementary Video] [Two Minute Papers Video] [SIGGRAPH 2020 Paper Preview]

Interactive Iconized Grammar-Based Pailou Modelling

Computer Graphics Forum

Zhong-Qi Cai, Ying-Sheng Luo, Yu-Chi Lai, Chih-Shiang Chan, Wen-Kai Tai


Image Vectorization With Real-Time Thin-Plate Spline

IEEE Transactions on Multimedia

Kuo-Wei Chen, Ying-Sheng Luo, Yu-Chi Lai, Yan-Lin Chen, Chih-Yuan Yao, Hung-Kuo Chu, Tong-Yee Lee


OpenGL 3D 繪圖互動程式設計

OpenGL 3D real-time rendering programming

Publisher: Flag Technology Corp.,Ltd

Publish Date: Aug 31, 2018

ISBN-13: 9789863125112

Author of Chapter 13. Advanced Rendering Techniques and Chapter 16. Post-Processing Effects

[博客來] [旗標]

人氣遊戲這樣做!Unity3D 遊戲設計實例講堂 第二版

Popular games do this! Unity3D Game Design Example Lecture 2nd Edition

Publisher: Flag Technology Corp.,Ltd

Publish Date: Aug 1, 2016

ISBN-13: 9789863123552

Author of Chapter 4. Character Animation

[博客來] [旗標]

Piano Videos

One of my hobby is playing the piano where I stared learning since 2019. Here are some of my piano videos.